About the Piece: Man and His Earth
Man and His Earth
30 x 5 x 30 inches, 2019, Mixed Medium
Pigment print on hemp paper, eco-dyed panel of maple leaves on flax paper, with Braided strips of naturally dyed (indigo, osage, madder, walnut, cochineal, and alkanet) plant fibers- Abaca, Banana, Flax, Hemp, Cotton, Iris, Cattail, & Water Lily; symbolic objects of handmade boat made from Cattail fibers with shells, feathers-woodpecker, duck, guinea,& turkey, black coral fan from hurricane damaged shores of Florida, sponge, snake blanket on osage dyed banana stalk, with Endangered Species Act information written on handmade kozo/cotton walnut dyed paper.
Available for purchase. Contact Gibby with inquiries.