Truth Continuum
Explores issues about the risks to our environment, the intolerance towards diverse communities and the threats to our core freedoms
Artist’s Statement | Truth Continuum
The natural world is the driving force in this work. The growing cycle of botanicals from seed to plant, from tiny beginnings to exquisite forms, is at the root of my process. Often, fibers are naturally dyed with indigo, osage, walnut, and cochineal. All are cooked, then beaten, using a 2,000 year-old process. The imagery presented in this exhibition expresses themes of beauty and a sense of reflection.
Each work contains symbolic meaning: the plant, the color, or the imagery. The language returns us to truth, peace, love, beauty, tolerance, stability, strength, and protection.
The lattice work is made with strips of multihued fiber, including banana, flax, cattail, iris, cotton, and hemp. I am driven these days toward a countless production of fiber strips. These strips are woven throughout the work, sometimes standing on their own. In this period of great divisiveness, these woven elements symbolize the strength we derive from interconnection, and the brilliance of our multicolored community.