Trees of Life
“A Man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he
plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.”
- D. Elton Trueblood”
As with the other works in the Continuum of Being, these pieces were made entirely out of repurposed materials found in nature. These trees were created, quite literally, out of something that was already dying – we merely salvaged the peeling bark from a dying Maple tree to give it new life as a part of this installation.
The pieces in this show were all created using nature as the primary inspiration, bearing in mind that we as humans have been gifted with the opportunity to coexist within our environment. The purpose of this piece is to give you a moment to reflect on the cycle of life and our place within this ecosystem.
We invite you now to take a moment and write a note to Mother Earth and the Continuum.
Which was your favorite piece?
What about it spoke to you?
What can you do to protect our planet for future generations?
How does this exhibit, demonstrating the connection between nature and man, inspire you to deepen your relationship with the natural world?